How do I clean small parts (screws, jewellery etc) in an ultrasonic cleaner?

Basket for small items.

Bill Pilkington

Last Update 23 days ago

With every "Best Ultrasonic" brand of ultrasonic cleaner you will get a FREE fine mesh, stainless steel basket for holding small parts and items. The basket is 25mm in diameter.

Using glass beakers in an ultrasonic cleaner is an ideal way to clean smaller components, or use two different cleaning solutions in one machine. This method is perfect for cleaning small items such as jewellery, carburettor parts or any small component.

The ultrasonic vibrations are unaffected by glass so will pass through it and clean items inside. Don't place the beaker directly on the bottom of the tank though as this will effect the operation of the ultrasonic transducers that generate the sound waves.

You could have a cleaning fluid in one beaker and a different fluid in the other. If you have a small item to clean, you only need mix enough cleaning fluid to fill a beaker and so use less cleaning solution. Fill the tank with tap water and then sit your beaker containing the cleaning fluid into the tank full of water.

The basket sits on top of the ultrasonic bath lip allowing safe and easy repositioning of the object being cleaned during the ultrasonic cleaning cycle.

More info HERE>>>>>

You can also put small items onto a zip-lock type freezer bag. Fill the bag with cleaning solution and then put the bag into the ultrasonic tank that also has fluid. Effectively it's now a small tank in a bigger tank.

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